Job No.: TCS00694/13










Agreement No. CE 45/2008 (CE)

Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai

Boundary Control Point and Associated Works










36th Quarterly Environmental Monitoring & Audit Summary Report ¡V

(May to July 2022)






Prepared For






Civil Engineering and Development

Department (CEDD)










Quality Index


Reference No.

Prepared By

Certified By

22 August 2022


Nicola Hon

(Environmental Consultant)

T.W. Tam

(Environmental Team Leader)







15 August 2022

First Submission


22 August 2022

Amended As Per IEC¡¦s comment on 22 August 2022










This report has been prepared by Action-United Environmental Services & Consulting with all reasonable skill, care and diligence within the terms of the Agreement with the client, incorporating our General Terms and Conditions of Business and taking account of the resources devoted to it by agreement with the client. We disclaim any responsibility to the client and others in respect of any matters outside the scope of the above. This report is confidential to the client and we accept no responsibility of whatsoever nature to third parties to whom this report, or any part thereof, is made known. Any such party relies upon the report at their own risk.









Executive Summary

ES.01.   This is the 36th Quarterly EM&A Summary Report for the ¡§Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point and Associated Works¡¨ under Environmental Permit No. EP-404/2011/D (hereinafter ¡¥¡¥the EP¡¦¡¦), covering the period from 1 May to 31 July 2022 (hereinafter ¡§Reporting Period¡¨).


ES.02.   In the Reporting Period, the construction works under Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point and Associated Works Contract 6.  Environmental monitoring activities under the EM&A programme in the Reporting Period are summarized in the following table.


Environmental Aspect

Monitoring Parameters / Inspection

Reporting Period

Monitoring Locations / Contracts

Total Occasions  

Air Quality

1-hour TSP

6 (#)


24-hour TSP

6 (#)


Construction Noise

Leq(30min) Daytime

5 (~)


Water Quality

Water in-situ measurement and/or sampling

WM1 & WM1-C

(*)38 scheduled

WM2A(a) & WM2A-Cx

38 scheduled


(*) 38 Scheduled

WM3x &WM3-C

(*) 38 scheduled

Joint Site Inspection / Audit

ET and the Contractor joint site Environmental Inspection and Auditing

Contract 6


ET, the Contractor, IEC and RE joint site Environmental Inspection and Auditing



                          (*)Water sampling was unable to carry out at WM2B and WM2B-C in the Reporting Period due to shallow water. Besides, WM3-C and WM1-C were also unable to carry out some of monitoring date in the Reporting Period due to shallow water. (Water depth under 150mm). WM4, WM4-CA and WM4-CB were ceased after last monitoring carried out on 3 May 2021 according to Partial Termination Proposal for Contract 3 approved by EPD on 4 May 2021.

                          (#) Number of air monitoring location changed to 6 since the partial termination proposal approved by EPD on 9 Jul 2020 and 4 May 2021.

                          (~) Number of noise monitoring location changed to 5 since the partial termination proposal approved by EPD on 9 Jul 2020 and 4 May 2021.


Breaches of Action/Limit levels

ES.03.   In the Reporting Period, no exceedance was recorded for construction noise, air quality and water quality monitoring.  The summary of exceedance for the Reporting Period is shown below.


Environmental Aspect

Monitoring Parameters

Action Level

Limit Level

Event & Action

NOE Issued


Corrective Actions

Air Quality

1-hour TSP






24-hour TSP






Construction Noise

Leq(30min) Daytime






Water Quality



















Environmental Complaint

ES.04.   No environmental complaint was recorded in the Reporting Period.


Notification of Summons and Successful Prosecutions

ES.05.   No environmental summons or successful prosecutions were recorded in the Reporting Period.


Reporting Changes

ES.06.   No reporting change was recorded in the Reporting period.


Future key issues

ES.07.   Since the construction works under the Project were substantial completed, the potential environmental impacts associated with Project are considered negligible.  However, the Contractor was reminded that the environmental mitigation measures shall be properly implemented and maintained where applicable, as per the Mitigation Implementation Schedule, in the remaining construction period and operational phase.

Table of Contents

1       Introduction   1

1.1     Project Background   1

1.2          Report Structure  1

2       Project Organization and Construction progress  2

2.1          Construction Contract Packaging   2

2.2          Project Organization   4

2.3          Concurrent Projects  6

2.4          Construction Progress  6

2.5          Summary of Environmental Submissions  6

3       Project Organization and Construction progress  8

3.1          General  8

3.2          Monitoring Parameters  8

3.3          Monitoring Locations  8

3.4          Monitoring Frequency and Period   11

3.5          Monitoring Equipment  11

3.6          Monitoring Methodology   13

3.7          Equipment Calibration   15

3.8          Derivation of Action/Limit (A/L) Levels  16

3.9          Data Management and Data QA/QC Control  17

4       Air Quality Monitoring   18

4.1          General  18

4.2          Summary of Monitoring Results  18

5       Construction Noise Monitoring   19

5.1          General  19

5.2          Summary of Monitoring Results  19

6       Water Quality Monitoring   20

6.1          General  20

6.2          Summary of Monitoring Results  20


7.1          Monitoring on Woodland Compensation   22

7.2          Monitoring on Wetland Compensation   22

8       Waste Management   23

8.1          General Waste Management  23

8.2          Records of Waste Quantities  23

9       Site Inspections  24

9.1          requirements  24

10     Non-compliance, Complaints, Notifications of Summons and Prosecutions  25

10.1        Status of Non-compliance Environmental Complaint, Summons and Prosecution   25

11     Implementation Status of Mitigation Measures  26

11.1        General Requirements  26

12     Conclusions and Recommendations  27
